AestheticsPro EHR

Staff management, calendar management, client management, point-of-sale, and marketing management are all included in AestheticsPro, a cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant medical spa management system. Users may handle employee timesheets, payroll, commissions, and tips using the staff management function. Users can utilize staff calendars to manage staff scheduling and minimize overbooking. 

AestheticsPro allows customers to keep track of all client data via HIPAA-compliant charts. Users may log in from any device and access their records from anywhere. The software also includes marketing management, which allows users to track leads and send out tailored email campaigns to attract new customers.

Users may also connect the program to a contact center and designate employees to follow up on marketing leads. Users may produce real-time updated sales and profit figures using the accounting module, allowing them to make educated decisions about their client handling activities. 

Features of Top Aesthetics 

Better Client Record Organization

Regardless of the number of patients at your facility, you may keep all of your client’s information in one location. This is where they save all of their paperwork, notes, images, and financial records, among other things. This gives you a consistent strategy for caring across all of your endeavors. With this, you’ll always have access to all of your information, which can be easily shared. 

Effortless Scheduling

When it comes to scheduling, it’s not just about the doctors and the patients. It’s also about the individuals who work there, the spaces in which they operate, and the equipment they have. This application allows you to create dynamic schedules that may be changed to meet the needs of your calendar. It contributes to the system’s smooth running. This is also the most effective technique for making the most of your calendar and equitably distributing shifts. 

Tools for marketing

No practice can thrive without some type of marketing. Whatever your plan is, Aesthetics Pro can help you better it. It will let you create email campaigns and target a certain audience. The application enables you to create personalized messaging that will help you attract new clients and broaden your exposure to new demographics.

Aesthetics pro online assures you don’t miss anything after you’ve decided on a date. To guarantee that you don’t forget, the computer takes over the responsibility of reminding you. It’s simple to personalize promotions. You get to choose which campaign fits with what and if it’s working properly or not. 

Retain Customers

Once you’ve attracted new clients to your firm, the following step is to ensure that they become long-term members. One way to keep customers coming back is to implement loyalty programs. This will help you to motivate people who just visit once in a while. Loyalty programs are another inventive method to keep clients. 

Also Read: Nosh EHR Software: Top Features, Pricing, Reviews


Electronic records are another fantastic benefit of Aesthetics pro online. This function ensures that the entire procedure proceeds smoothly. It’s fast, secure, and HIPAA-compliant on the cloud. Using the advanced tools at your disposal, you can develop your own forms from the ground up, suited to your specific corporate needs. Not only that, but the program comes with a large library that can be altered and used at any moment.

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